Online Phonics Reading Programs For Adults

If you are the friend or family member of an adult who never learned to read, you (and they) may be looking for programs or opportunities to learn that basic but essential skill. Learning to read as an adult can sometimes be challenging since it can take a lot of time which is usually filled with work, friends, or family. However, there are newer programs that can be used at almost any hour, virtually at the disposal of the person using them.

Online phonics reading programs may be just what your friend or loved one needs to jump-start their reading journey. There are several reasons why this program in particular may be exactly what they have been looking for, including but not limited to the following reasons. 

Work On Your Time

Whether you have time at 5:00 am or 11:30 pm, an online phonics program works on your schedule. In-person classes usually take place during the day when most adults would be at work or caring for their children. Instead of worrying about wrapping your life around an in-person class, you can have it fit into whatever you already have going on with an online class. 

No Teacher Necessary

Sometimes it can be intimidating to be an adult, with a lifetime of skills and experiences, showing up to a class with a potentially younger teacher. Then there is the fact that each teacher will teach in their own style, which may not fit with the potential reader's personality.  As such, it's no wonder that many adult readers sometimes struggle with in-person classes if they're worried they won't get along with the teacher. Fortunately, most online phonics classes present the information in a way where one specific teacher is not absolutely essential. 

Game-Based Learning

Additionally, instead of being forced to memorize texts and rehearse specific sounds, many online classes have begun using games as a way of learning. The potential reader will likely find that learning is now fun with relaxing and innovative games, designed to inform and challenge students. 

An online phonics reading program is an easy, cost-effective way for adults to learn how to read in a timely manner. If you have a good relationship with the individual, you may try talking to them about it or offering their subscription to the program as a loving gift. Hopefully, they will find all of the tools they need to be successful. For more information, contact a program like SenseAble, L.L.C.
